Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sticking it to Those "Glass Half Empty" Guys.

I know a lot of people don't like him too much, but I've always enjoyed listening to local sports radio personality David Locke. I'm not smart enough to be quite the stats junkie he is, and sometimes find myself very "nerdily" glued to the radio dissecting the numbers and opinions he spouts out. So I couldn't help but greatly enjoy and wish to share with you all his rant following a handful of callers complaining about various "problems" the Jazz had in their Game 4 victory.

Listen to it here.

I have to agree with him in many of the rantastic points he made there. Sometimes us Jazz fans (myself certainly included) get a little too caught up in nitpicking certain aspects of their play, we don't take enough time to truly appreciate what an awesome game/season/series/performance by _____/whatever, we just witnessed....

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow I love how he just goes off... I felt a little sorry for Jeff!