Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Half Thoughts: This is Uuuuuuugly

Ok this first half was just a joke. Houston is dominating us on every angle of the game. We are just standing around picking our butts waiting for whoever has the ball to do something. First of all, Deron, where were you in the first quarter?? Boozer, you are playing like a joke, step up and play like the all-star you are. Andre, no points? Standing around on offense? Also, where is the Jazz bench?? I could go on and on but I don't want to because it is just making me more sick.

We better get our acts together fast and stop playing like a bunch of pansies. Seriously, when did we get so afraid of these guys? I hope I can write a better post after the game but it's not looking to good. I am pretty surprised we cut the lead to 11 by the end of the half.

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